Saturday, 2 June 2007

About the Photo....

This is an extreme close up of the fastening on a bag I made for the International Tote Exchange II last year. I crocheted it from a bag of Colinette mill ends. I thought it was free-form and enjoyed making it. So much so I joined a free-form crochet group. They soon told me that what I made was a 'tossed salad' ha ha. Bless 'em. They call themselves 'free form' and then follow formulaic designs first created by people long since dead or moved on. Bitter, me. Oh, only a little ;-)

Hope you like the pic of the 'tossed salad bag' as she came to be known. Judy, the recipient said she did. I had kittens making it as she is a 'proper' knitter with work in a museum and all. One of the reasons I crocheted it, cunning eh? Judy was a real star about the swap, she said she liked the vintage adornments I put on. I used beads from an vintage necklace and some flower brooches made of Royal Doulton china. I picked these up at a boot sale.

I buy a lot of vintage jewellery from boot sales. Its only costume but its fascinating and often very pretty. These have ended up in various places (apart from on my bag), including youngest daughter's art project as the buckle for a victorian shoe made of clay and as a focal point on a pique assiette pot I made. I enjoyed that and will make more. I like the idea of using beautiful broken things and giving them new life.

Hey, wish someone would do that for me :D

Now I really AM going to the shop - it closes in less than half an hour and its lottery night, be huge queues :(

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