Wednesday, 13 June 2007

Big wave....

To Nan who drops in every day. Nan is a knitter, like me. Jo is a knitter too. In fact all the nicest people I know knit.

On our knitting group they were trying to decide a collective noun for knitters. I think it should be a skein of knitters or perhaps a knot.

I know a knot of knitters
who knit and natter,
while they knot and knit

Makes a great tongue-twister and knotting is a good metaphor for friendship, so thats the one I choose.

Now it really is time for bed.

Night all, night Nan - paint something soon!


Nan said...

You are amazing, a knitter, a painter, and now a poet!

Jackie said...

Lol, bless your heart Nan. You can be all those things too :-)

I wish you were closer, you could come for tea and play with my paints..

Keeps raining here, I have some fleece to sort out. A kind lady from my weaving and spinning group has donated a peg loom to me and I am going to make a rug, if it ever stops raining raining raining.

Ah, to be in England in the summertime :)

Nice to see you post here Nan x