Wednesday, 13 June 2007

Painted this last night, well, what do you think? I actually like this one, think its one of my better efforts! I actually even initialled it - first time I have done that.
Do you think yesterday's 15 seconds of fame is going to my head...
So tired, got a bit carried away with it and stayed up till past two zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Anonymous said...

jackie I think it looks good, but you need to put in your background first, maybe use some masking to cover up the flower area, then paint the flower! let me know if u want more info about jeanne dobie's palette, it's not so many tubes & i have learned to mix me own colors-gotta be W&N artist quality, tho!

Jackie said...

Ok Jan, thank you x

I will do the masking thing. It was from a book and thats the way they did it.

You aren't turning into one of them there purists are you Jan ;-)

Joanna said...

I really like it but I think if the background was paler the poppy would have stood out more, lovely shade of green though! xxx

Jackie said...

Well, there is a story to that. It was dark green and Lucy came in and said she didn't like that, so I yellowed it up a bit.

I thought you would like it. Actually its better in r/l, not so billious :D

I will bequeath it to you so when I am famous you can say 'oh yes, I knew her when she couldn't even get a background right' and produce the evidence.....

Did you see Scott's pome. Its rather fine. I think he's calling me a dog though. Perhaps thats a sign of affection in Arkansas?

j x

Jackie said...

Are you lot never satisfied. Background to feint, background too green, honestly, no wonder Van Gogh cut of his ear 'ole.



Anonymous said...

All these art experts.They don't know what they are talking about. Haven't they heard of beauty is in the eye of the beholder.I have a close friend who is a famous impresionst he is brilant but all the so called art critics would be saying oh but a tree does not look like that but it does to the artist and that is the important point

Jackie said...

You tell 'em Colin.

We like billious green and bits missing round the stalk.

Its how us impressionists SEE things dontcha know.

Jan mociehocie is from the US, her air conditioning is broken. She is lovely though, so we forgive her for not knowing I is an impressionist.

Jo is well, Jo ;-) She likes green a lot, even ordered green crocs in celery. Truly. Ask her.