Sunday, 17 June 2007

Sunday Sunday......

Started a bit too early for me. Dog woke me up. This meant I was tired all day, so gave in this afternoon and had an hour in bed with Oscar Wilde, which ended up with me falling asleep.

Sorry Oscar, you just weren't exciting enough to keep my attention.

Finally getting round to reading 'Girl With a Pearl Earring' about the life of Vermeer. I found it on e-bay for 99p. Looking forward to that. Somehow I think I won't fall asleep with Vermeer, if you know what I mean ;-)


scotland said...

Dear Jackie, That is humorous beyond belief. Yesterday I went to bed with a bad back and found the experience to be rather painfull. A good hardback would have been much more satisfying We're on our way to the big city, Springfield Missouri, for a shopping spree. Abraham has the itinerary memorized and a fist of cash to blow. Have a fine day! Scott Phillip Hedlin I loved your initial(laugh)comment. Bye

Jackie said...

Well lookee here, if it isn't Dr Litmus.

Good luck with the shopping, my least favourite activity in the whole world, after cleaning out the plughole.

Actually I think they tie for first place.

Hope your son enjoyed it and you enjoyed him enjoying it, if you know what I mean.

Its good you find me amusing, in any relationship thats the acid test ;-)

J x