Sunday, 3 June 2007


Got off to a slooooow start. Sat up until knitting. Didn't mean to, I just got carried away. Today I am tired. Meant to go to the boot sale but didn't make it. I don't have a car and its a two mile hike each way and I just felt too tired to do it.

Made some progress with other things though, ordered some dishcloth cotton and laid out some pots, planters and gro-bags, which I am planting up with lettuce, pumpkins, squash and some very late in tomato plants - we are forecast a good summer here so hoping they can catch up.

Caught up with my mail to friends. Thought about washing up.... put a load in the washing machine and thought about washing up again. I don't have a dishwasher and have to heat the water for washing with an immersion so tend to wait until there is a decent pile as its a waste otherwise. Trying to save energy and reduce my bill a little - at least I am getting the washing dry outside now. It was no joke in the winter, I had to resort to putting a clothes horse in front of my oven and leaving it on to have a prayer of getting anything dry. Think I might have to invest in a new dryer before the winter. Perhaps should look now as they might be reduced if its hot and no one is buying them.

Think I might give in and have a nap, I am struggling to do anything much.

Thinking of joining the dishcloth a month list. Its not usual to knit them here so it might be fun.

Well, thats it for now - oh, and I joined a friendship site in France as I am thinking of moving to either there or Spain in a couple of years. Won't be able to afford to stay here once maintenance ends.

Not much woolly in my ramblings today, will try to do better later :D

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