Saturday, 16 June 2007


Sometimes I wake up with a song in my head. They are always totally random and are just there when I open my eyes.

It happened today, the annoying part is that I only know the odd word of the chorus, I don't know the name of the song or who sang it but its going round in my head.

So, its going like this 'la la la, I knew, la la la we never (fall apart/had a heart/raspberry tart???) la la la' any clues? Its a female singer and the song is not an old one, or at least not more than a few years. Its soft and gentle, which I am thankful for. Sometimes I wake up with something loud that I would rather not hear, like 'The Way to Amarillo' or 'Delilah'. Sometimes very sad songs, or sad to me, like the song that we played back at the house after my nan's funeral. It was by Boyzone, she liked them!

Lots of mail to catch up on. I feel cared about, thats lovely.

la la la fall apart la la la raspberry tart......


juj said...

Funny, the same thing happens to me all the time. I never know where they come from - I just wake up and they are there. I wish I could help you figure out what song it was this time - tho I have to say I'm not terribly incentivized. "la la la raspberry tart" just makes me smile too much.

Jackie said...

Hello juj

Well, it is said we should all dance to our own tune, so all together now la la la raspberry tart, la la la,

Greetings from la la land.

j x

CraftyPerson said...

The Germans have a word for this phenomena. Literally translated it is "ear worm". Somehow it got into your brain, it is very tiny but it wriggles around inside and it won't get out. Th eonly way to be rid of it is to let loose another earworm. But you know what happens when you put one and one together, don't you?

Jackie said...

Ha Ha CP, I like that. Earworm be gone.

Didn't there used to be worm-charmers, now I know why.

Even la la la'd it to daughter, she usually knows but even she is stumped on this one.

She suggested the theme tune to a film, but it wasn't that.

la la la j x