Saturday, 9 June 2007

Startling Fact..........

Four trillion plastic bags are made in the world each year. It takes 1000 years for a plastic bag to break down. One billion seabirds and mammals die due to eating plastic bags each year.

Headache is gone, there was rain here and now the air is clear again.

My stalkee wanted the peg loom but I got it first. I feel bad about that, so have found a nice yarn porn site for her to drool over. She has probably seen it but at least she will know I care.

Have decided to treat myself to a spinning wheel for my birthday. I got a quote for shipping for a Babe from the US and it still adds up to less than a basic new one here. The exchange rate is helping. I will be spinning yarn galore before you know it. Also found a UK source of Landscape Australian dyes. If anyone has used them and would like to give me their opinion before I splash out then please do.

1 comment:

CL said...

I love my Babe Production double-treadle so much I just bought a second - the Production Pedal Pusher. :-) These are the only wheels I've ever spun on, so I can't compare them to others, but they do what I want, and I'm a self-taught spinner. They are lightweight and require very little maintenance - and you don't have to worry about the dogs running into them (unless the dog gets his nose in the spokes) - they can't hurt a Babe. I love that there are minimum adjustments to a Babe - really just the brake tension (Irish tension, though Scotch tension is now available on the Production) - so you just sit down and go. I can do laceweight; and I could probably spin bulky on the plying bobbin - I haven't tried it yet though (bulk is limited by the orifice, which IIRC is 3/8" - a common 'regular' size).

The Pedal Pusher costs less; you get fewer bobbins than the Production, but you do get a wide-enough flyer to ply, plus a plying bobbin; for the Production you have to buy a plying flyer. I'm not keen on the 'loopy things' the PP uses on the flyer instead of hooks though, and may change that. The original wheel might be a bit 'sturdier' - the upright seems to wobble a tiny bit on the Pedal Pusher, but it doesn't seem to affect my spinning (and this could be because of the different treadling 'systems' - my older wheel uses cables to attach the treadles to the wheel, whereas the new wheel uses a metal rod - it looks like the new Productions use rods as well).

Though I don't do a lot of spinning, I'm currently on a spinning kick and you can see some of my spinning (including my first two plied skeins - woohoo!) and both wheels on my blog:
I bought the PP in June, so you won't have to go back very far.

Easy to use, low maintenance, takes a licking and keeps on ticking - my kind of wheel! :-D If you have specific questions, I'd be happy to answer them (if I can - learning on your own can be 'interesting' sometimes ;-/ ).