Monday, 11 June 2007


Not much happened. Its hard to blog about nothing but I shall do my best. Painted a bit today, a picture of some poppies, they are not finished yet, watch this space.

Did get a lovely mail from another lady in the US who belongs to one of the watercolour groups. Its wonderful to get mail. Hint.

My stalkee also wrote, I think she is disappointed with the quality of the stalking today. Sorry Jo, even stalkers get off days. Anyway, aren't you supposed to be clearing up those rice krispies. She makes me jealous anyway with her yarn yarns. I may stalk someone less interesting. :P

My gentleman in France has disappeared, hope he is ok and has just gone off me or something rather than something tragic (creative people have such vivid imaginations......)

Need to do some knitting now my temporary niddy noddy (daughter number two) can spare me a few moments and can help me sort out these skeins of wool. I learned the hard way that chair backs and door handles do not work. Have a recipe for making a niddy noddy but can I be bothered to trail the hardware shops being stared at by plumbers who wonder what on earth a WOMAN is doing in their terrain buying bits of pipe and connectors. There is also something reassuringly professional about a proper niddy noddy all wooden and beautiful. Of course a professional wouldn't care as long as it did the job...

Cooked some trout tonight with new potatoes and a watercress and rocket salad. It was nice but the house smells. Have lit insence but now it smells like a trout with perfume on. Oh well, it will disspate eventually. Is that osmosis or the other one? If I remember my O level biology well enough its the other one. I think osmosis requires a semi-permeable membrane.

I am waffling. Nothing worse than a blogger with nothing to blog about so I shall leave you in peace.

Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible, as the TV used to say when the transmitters conked out.

cue national anthem. Watch out for the white dot. If you remember that then you are getting old :D


Joanna said...

I'll make more of an effort to be less interesting if that's what you want!
Come on if you hang around the hardware shop long enough you may find a nice bloke to make the niddy noddy for you, there ought to be a dial a handyman service, or should we be pc and start saying handyperson....there are women plumbers too you know, somewhere!
And look at you...osmosis, I thought that was something psychic...all science and syllables today...I might have to start stalking you if your going to fein indifference tell us nothing is happening and then throw long words about casually.
; )

scotland said...

Dear Jackie, I didn't want to cross the gate without knocking the mud off my boots. I'm glad to find a new stop along my regular journey. If you don't mind I'll have a look about the place,soak up a bit of the charm and ease my weariness. I'll be by,and hope to find you in.

Jackie said...

Hello Scott

You are very welcome. If you are wiping your boots then you obviously haven't been to my place before. People usually do that on the way out.

Hey, does this mean I have a fan.

(I don't count stalkee, she is a friend, well, she will be when I send the cheque off...)

J x

Jackie said...

Jo, Feigning indifference is part of my master plan. Lull you into a false sense of security, then whammo!

I think Scott sounds nice, what do you think. Or shall I take up with the evangelist who wants me to be the mother of his child.

(If only he knew.......!)

Difficult choice really isn't it.

Just noticed its Scott from Arkansas, we are old friends, in a cyber way.

The only thing I ever knew about Arkansas was thats where the Arkansas Chug-a-Bug with Luke and Blubber Bear came from.

Cue snigger like mutley...

Over to you stalkee, whasssssup?

Joanna said...

Well I just went to eye uo Scot's blog, and I quite like the poetry, Arkansas is off the richter scale for intereference, so maybe flirt shamelessly and see what happens?