Saturday, 9 June 2007

Thanks to my Stalkee

Thanks to my stalkee, Jo, I now know how to make an attractive list of blogs I read. All one of them. So far.

If you would like to be stalked by me please let me know and I will consider it carefully. Stalking is hard work and I wouldn't want to over-extend myself.

Jo is a useful person to stalk, she knows all sorts of cool stuff, like the fact that there are reasonably priced spinning wheels made from wheelchair wheels. I tracked them down and there are even electric ones for the truly idle. I have asked how much it costs to get one shipped (they are in the US). With the exchange rate its a good deal. The wooden ones are beautiful and I have a very old and wobbly wooden wheel, but I am going for practical and economical.

Now I just need to know how to add those pesky buttons so that I can stalk more quickly and efficiently. Jo, where are you......?

The trouble is with stalking is that its all about them, them, them. We go places, sure, but its always where they want to go, what they want to do.... think about it :D

Back to work now.........


Joanna said...

I'm just off to see if I can make sense of the putting buttons in your sidebar tutorial that I have saved in my documents folder, yes I know I made sense of once because I have buttons, but once you've done one you just follow the same basic principals....more by e-mail!

Jackie said...

Thank you kindly Stalkee.

Dear Reader,

See what I mean, Jo knows so much. Its a waste of time to stalk someone who doesn't, trust me.

Thanks Jo, if anyone else is thinking of stalking her, she's mine, all mine I tell you mwahhahha

Anonymous said...

Your blog is huilarious! As I'm only aware that I'm being stalked by one person so far, so you are welcome to stalk away, if you wish! Greetings from Florida to my home gurl (I was born in the UK, remember?!)!