Monday, 18 June 2007


Why do they sell nectarines that you could use for cricket balls and say eat within three days on the pack when they take a week to ripen.

Why do they write 'serving suggestion' on everything. Do they think you are simple and actually believe that the turkey, roast potatoes, vegetables and gravy boat full of steaming gravy are actually IN the packet of stuffing?

Why do they say cooking directions on back of label when they are stuck on with industrial strength super glue and when you peel them off you are left with the very top layer and have to read the left-behind instructions in a mirror.

Enquiring minds wish to know.

Thank you.


CraftyPerson said...

Serving suggestions - pah! Th eones that annoy us the most are the rolls in Sainsbury's that have all the wrong fillings suggested. NO! That's NOT what I want to take to work for lunch. Leave it BLANK. And while you're at it I do know how to write and I can think of a message to put in a card ALL ON MY OWN so just give me the picture on the front and let me use my brain to come up with the words, my hand to guide the pen and my many years on this planet to bring it all together.
I don't know, next there'll all be selling what my other half calls "girly sandwiches". He like a sandwich with butter, NOT Mayo and a sensible British filling with two ingredients at the most.

Anonymous said...

Over on this side of the pond we have the grossest thing ever: a couple of years ago they came out w/PBJ sandwiches w/the crusts removed that you buy in the freezer section! Parents just take it out of the freezer in the morning & sling it into a lunchbox. Now, I ask you, who would feed their child something like that? maybe it's just me...i like the skin of a baked potato, too, & brussel sprouts are my favorite veggie...i love those little cabbages!

Jackie said...

Hi Ruth

Prawns. Thats Sainsbury's seving suggestion idea for lunch on the rolls I just bought. Probably got a job lot of them or something.

Who would want to make a prawn roll in the morning and have it five hours later for lunch. Come to think of it the serving suggestion should be 'Prawn & Salmonella Roll' Yum.

Jan, do you mean a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, frozen. Yikes. That sounds even more nasty than Prawn and Salmonella.

I like tatie skins too, with garlic mayonnaise dip.

Brussels sprouts are ok, a traditional part of Christmas here. Mum used to put them on on Christmas eve. They liked 'em well done...

Roast beef and horsradish, now thats my favourite, Ruth's husband would approve of that I think. Sensible British filling.

J x

Fridayman said...

that use by dating is a load of balls is not open to question. The notion that you could use a nectarine as a cricket ball is,however, doubtful in the extreme.A typical nectarine has nothing even resembling a seam,does not swing through the air, and I would think Shane Warne would struggle to bowl anything other than his flipper with it.As if to prove the point a professional cricketer once opened the bowling after an interval with an item of fresh fruit and induced nothing other than great hilarity.Can anyone help me with the name of the bowler and the fresh fruit?

Jackie said...


Was that the match where the batsman was Holding the bowler Willie?

For further info I am going to confirm with 'The Pedants Guide to Sport'

Similies, from me to you :)


Fridayman said...

Umpires Decision: NOT OUT! That delivery was too high for lbw.'The bowler's Holding,the batsman's Willey'.And we'll have a little more decorum or this ones going straight to Lords!

Joanna said...

Is the children's cough medicine with messages about not driving, does a pushalong bike or pedal tractor count? And why can't I undo a childproof bttle, you know the push down, click and turn ones....grrrrr

Jackie said...

And the tabs on the seal on a plastic milk bottle. Why so small? Who could get a good grip on that and if you do manage to get hold of it, it tears off and leaves the seal still there.

How about those tubs of fresh pasta sauce where you break the tab off, have you ever managed to do it without breaking a fingernail and spraying yourself and the kitchen with tomato sauce.

No, I bet you haven't.

AND why do they make shampoo and conditioner bottles the same size when you use twice as much conditioner as shampoo, you always get left with half a bottle of shampoo and no conditioner.

They put pasta in that special stiff celophane that doesn't open neatly, oh no, it splits right down to the base and the pasta goes everywhere and is impossible to wrap back up again.

There are more, oh yes, many more...

Fridayman said...

Whilst holidaying with my cat 'Biggs' around Marples and Macclesfield on a narrow boat, I remember buying bags of milk which we both thought were a major step forward.Being able to open these bags also encouraged Biggs to teach himself to swim ,so double positive slant there.

Jackie said...


They have bags of milk in Spain and the shops give you a jug to put them in. Their fridges have a jug shaped recess specially too.

Is your cat a Manx, don't they like swimming, or is that Persians. More of a dog person myself.

Its black as Newgate's Knocker here. Thunder, lighting all sorts. I had to shut down the PC in case we had a surge or something.

Why didn't we ever have to do that at work....? Hmmn

Fridayman said...

'Fraid you've touched a raw nerve there Jackie,poor Biggs passed away about 10 years ago.Coincidentally he was a dog person but it wasn't reciprocated.

Jackie said...

Poor Biggs, RIP.

I am sorry to hear that. Truly.

j x

scotland said...

Why? is one of those easily victimized words living in hope an explaination will ease the mind and make some difference. The rhetorical Why! on the other hand can be abbreviated invective,but is not a powerful bargaining position. If the why reaction is transformed into a strategic attack-like behavior molding, the effort of energy expended may be worthwhile. The complaint dept. represents a regulated channel of damage control, another systematic manipulation of an 'idea different'. One of the beautiful side effects of search engines is the hit factor which orders probable search outcomes. I love it when I see crafty consumers expose the undoubtably hidden machinacions of consumer affair depts., and find someway to stand out equally in regard to product web searches. One I remember regarded propane incinerator pottys. It told the story of a college drinking party where someone used the stool while incinerating. If there was any chance that this could remotely happen I'd wouldn't even go in a house which had one of these dangerous devices in service. Don't you love consumer T-error-isim.
Out of time
love SPH

Jackie said...

My gran used to say.

'y's a crooked letter and you'll never make it straight'.

No idea what it means at all.

Exploding lavs. Fantastic, beats Harpic hands down.

Kabooom x

Jackie said...

I was asked to mention till receipts in this 'Why' posting.

Do any of us actually ever look at them? Or are there some people who get home, line up their shopping and check it off? Really! You do? :D